As a bidirectional adapter, it can also connect new Thunderbolt 3 devices to a mac with a Thunderbolt or Thunderbolt 2 port In addition, it can be used to connect Thunderboltenabled displays — such as the Apple Thunderbolt Display and LG Thunderbolt 2 displays — to any of the Thunderbolt 3 (USBC) ports on your MacBook ProSyntech USB C to USB Adapter (2 Pack), Thunderbolt 3 to USB 30 Adapter Compatible with MacBook Pro 19 and Before, MacBook Air 19/18, Dell XPS, ChromeBook and More Type C Devices, Gold 47 out of 5 stars 6,981 $1099 $ 10 99 Get it as soon as Wed, Mar 18Thunderbolt 3(USBC) Thunderbolt 2アダプタがUSBアダプタストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。 Thunderbolt 3 Thunderbolt 変換アダプタ Windows Mac対応 サンダーボルト3 オス サンダーボルト メス Startech Com Thunderboltケーブル 通販モノタロウ Tbt3tbtadap Thunderbolt 3(usb-c)- thunderbolt 2アダプタ 中古